The Subjectivity of Law…

Posted: April 26, 2011 in Uncategorized


One of my ole’ Earth’s favorite tv shows is Law and Order. She watches it religiously. The union between the two (law & order) extends far beyond the idiot box, and is highly nuanced in nature. Loosely put, laws are statements of how things must be under certain conditions. They are intended to be instruments of parameter, by which order is maintained. Sounds harmless enough right? Not exactly. Although laws are effective in achieving this end on many levels, they can’t always do so in a fashion that is definitive or impartial. The wisdom born degree references a scenario within which people fall victim to law. The question is what happens when the law falls victim to people?

I’ll tell you what happens…justice becomes skewed and legal precedings become pissing contests. The opposing attorneys are nothing more than performers for hire, vying for the support of judges and jurors like American Idol contestants chasin’ votes. So what exactly do I mean when I speak of the law falling victim to people? It’s about manipulation. Jurisprudence is the philosiphy or science of law. The scope of said cipher is very broad based on the varying schools of thought which correspond. Per wikipedia, there are three primary theories and another which is in more of an infantile stage of development:

Natural law is the idea that there are rational objective limits to the power of legislative rulers. The foundations of law are accessible through human reason and it is from these laws of nature that human created laws gain whatever force they have. [2] Legal Positivism, by contrast to natural law, holds that there is no necessary connection between law and morality and that the force of law comes from some basic social facts although positivists differ on what those facts are. [3] Legal Realism is a third theory of jurisprudence which argues that the real world practice of law is what determines what law is; the law has the force that it does because of what legislators, judges, and executives do with it. Similar approaches have been developed in many different ways in Sociology of law. Critical Legal Studies is a younger theory of jurisprudence that has developed since the 1970s which is primarily a negative thesis that the law is largely contradictory and can be best analyzed as an expression of the policy goals of the dominant social group.

The most resonant theme pervading each school of thought relates to the power of law, in terms of what drives it’s force. Since laws are made by people, there’s a degree of human rationale or reasoning inherent within them. As such, it’s important to offset said element with some measure of moral, ethical, and circumstantial counterparts in order to ensure that there is balance in legal practice. Due to the interpetive landscape which encompasses all of the above, the integrity of the law is frequently undermined. Loopholes are identified and exploited. If certain terms relative to a ruling are not set forth, pettiness can set in and be perpetuated among opposing parties, who will fight tooth and nail for the slightest shred of leverage, in a labyrinth with legal jargon and precedent embedded in its fabric. Let’s draw up these angles of jurisprudence through the lense of knowledge wisdom cipher to uncover some of the interpretive jewels buried there. As stated above, natural law assumes that lawmakers are driven and restricted by an objective rationale which acts as somewhat of a governor that functionally helps to ensure that they wield their legislative powers in a way that is morally upright, because it’s their nature to do so. The last time I checked, most of the lawmakers in the wilderness of North America were colored people, and typically men. Now if this objective rationale is built into human beings then it’s genesis corresponds to the original man. As the lessons tell us, once the devil was made he was taught devilishment in the forms of lying, stealing, and mastery of the original man, among other savage behaviors. Such actions speak to culture, one that is, in fact, representative of someone whose ways and actions are like a snake of the grafted type. None of these propensities are typical of someone who operates according to a fundamentally objective rationale. Lying, stealing, and mastering someone else all involve the subjugation of others. This flies directly in the face of objectivity. Additionally, since our lessons state that this man is grafted, we have to be clear on the fact that this is not just physical, but also mental. The understandin’ wisdom degree builds on this explicitly. We can therefore conclude that this grafting process yielded a warped rationale, which manifests itself in his teachings of things such as “that God is a righteous and unseen being” with the corresponding reason, among others, being “because he desires to make slaves out of all he can so that he can rob them and live in luxury.”

Legal Positivism asserts that morality and ethics don’t figure prominently in the equation because the force of law is rooted in social factors. Perhaps such factors would include the devil keeping our people illiterate so that he can use them for a tool and also a slave. The build degree is even more pointed, in revealing that he keeps our people apart from his social equality because he does not want us to know how filthy he is in all of his affairs. Note the degree says ALL of his affairs, not SOME. That emphatically shows and proves his enforcement and practice of law are not exempt. Those certainly sound like social factors to me….

Legal Realism holds that the force of law is impacted by it’s practice in the real world and, as such, is appropriated based on what the lawyers, judges, and legislators do with their power. I bear witness to this and see it expressed via our world-view through the knowledge of the cipher, which corresponds to justice. In many instances, these people apply law based on the knowledge which is made born to them with regard to what transpires in a given cipher, and dole out penalties and rewards based on how they feel said evidence compels them to.

120 also substantiates the position of Critical Legal Studies, the core of which perpetuates the idea that law is largely contradictory, and is made and enforced in accordance to the policy goals of the dominant societal group. Within our societal view this would point us to the 10%. These rich bloodsuckers of the poor influence policy via the exchange of cash and favors to ensure that they maintain control of money and resources. Although our degrees tell us that Yacub did not build prison houses to imprison his people, the devil does. The prison industrial complex is a revolving door by which generations of original people have been oppressed, cast off, kept blind to themselves, and used for cheap labor.

The purpose of this build is not to propose that law be done away with, but rather to shed light on the multiplicity of flaws that exist within our legal system. Regardless of whom or what it is riddled with ambiguity and is highly subjective. The way that law is interpreted and subsequently enforced in America depends on how much money you have, how the judge interprets law, the integrity of the evidence presented, race,…I could go on but I think my point is made. I was driven to manifest this upon hearing the news that a judge ended the National Football League’s labor lockout. This is a situation in which the NFL owners locked the players out of their teams facilities and any other functions and privileges associated with said position, based on their dissatisfaction with the collective bargaining agreement. Negotiations over the distribution of the league’s $9.3 billion in overall revenue broke down, and are at the center of the dispute, because the owners want to claim an extra billion dollars of the pie for themselves. Throughout the day, I have a heard multiple legal experts express an egregious lack of clarity relative to the way the judge’s ruling should be interpreted. It would seem to me, if she ruled that the lockout be ended, then all associated conditions cease and business as usual should resume until further notice. Apparently it’s not that simple, and the issue is convoluted by a myriad of other potential legal liabilities and ramifications. Oh what a tangled legal web we weave…


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